Salty Links #4


Hello salty community.

Welcome to this October issue of Salty Links. It’s been a fun first quarter bringing a new range of tidbits from the surfing community around the world, and we hope you’ve enjoyed the ride! This time dive into a lovely film of some surfers from Australia’s warmer waters, learn how to wipe-out your emissions and we invite you to attend Patagonia’s free Ocean Event in Melbourne (8th Nov).




Image: Taking Off Documentary

Taking Off is a beautiful documentary from the Gold Coast centred around the tales of six surf sisters over the age of 50! A heart-warming film full of friendship and fun, Taking Off highlights how a love for the ocean can find us at any age and stage. Click on the video below to watch.


Image: Surfers for Climate

Local Aussie legends Surfers for Climate have compiled an epic online resource to help ‘wipe-out your emissions’! A comprehensive and interactive guide covering things from useful carpark convo’s to tips on eating locally, this guide is a great way to take steps toward protecting our beloved ocean.


Image: Patagonia Australia

Patagonia, along with some of our favourite free surfers (Rasta, Lauren Hill, Belinda Baggs etc.) are hosting a series of free Ocean Events across Australia. A whole evening dedicated to ocean conservation and jam packed with films, live music, and friendly conversations. All the events are free, and Melbourne’s own Ocean Event is on the 8th of November! Writing here…


Salty Links #5


Salty Links #3